Green Coffee Beans
Peru Kovachii Organic
Kovachii is a new premium coffee designed to deliver a sweet, consistent and refined cup from the Cajamarca region.
Flavor Profile: Semi-sweet chocolate, cocoa, graham cracker, sweet.
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- Full company name, complete physical address (street, city, state, postal code, country)
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Kovachii Organic
Premium green coffee beans grown and harvested by farmer cooperatives.
Harvest Season: 2023/24
Growing Altitude: 1200-1900m
Coffee Grade: PER CA WA SHB MCM G1
Species: Arabica
Bag Weight: 69 kg
$9,686.00 | Pallet
552 kg (1,216.95 lbs)
$17.54 | kg
Delivered At Place (DAP) – Incoterm
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